Helping those who provide aid to others
Warren Wolfe has a great piece in today's Star Tribune at Elder Care Expo:
Caregivers who assist aging relatives will find a vast array of services -- and knowledgeable advice -- at the two-day event at the State Fairgrounds. ... The calls from frantic caregivers of older people come to social service agencies every day -- dad got lost while driving, or mom won't seem to eat, or I need to find a good nursing home fast. For the first time in Minnesota, hundreds of experts from government, nonprofit agencies and businesses will offer presentations and workshops at an Elder Care Expo Friday and Saturday at the State Fairgrounds in Falcon Heights. "When you look at this, it's pretty darned comprehensive," said Jean Wood, executive director of the Minnesota Board on Aging, which funnels state and federal money to local agencies. "Most of the expos I'm aware of are pretty commercial. This one is a lot more oriented to services and advice," she said. "I don't know of anything like it anywhere, which is what attracted us to be part of it." More
Labels: aging, aging parents, baby boomers, caregiving, elder care, Elder Care Expo media coverage, ElderCareExpoNews, long-term care, minnesota, retirement
I am very delighted to reading after this blog. It has great contents which is informative and useful same time. I am sure all people must impress with it
My story is the same as that of about 70,000,000 other folks with aging parents in our country. The story comes from a common question: our home or the rest home?
We moved my mom into our home for the last 5 ½ years of her life and it was a challenge to say the least. There were no books on in-my-home elder care and no organized online databases for the information and products needed for in-my-home elder care.
In spite of extensive formal education and a varied business career, I was not prepared. It took nearly three years to catch up with the learning curve. It was something new most days and nights and it was relentless. But the rewards were profound.
To help the millions coming behind us with aging parents, I resolved to put a package in place that would prepare them and help them through. The results of my efforts are a book and two organized online databases for elder care information and products. Mama Moves In is the book about deciding to proceed, preparing for the “move in”, marshalling the assets, pulling the family into the process, consulting the experts, making the home ready and living through the experience. ResearchPro are the organized online databases.
I’d like to share my experience with you and your readers. What I have done will be of no benefit to anyone if we can’t reach the millions of people who need the elder care package.
Please help.
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